Library of Cultural References

  • Library: Cultural References in Films

Down To You

ASIN: 6305907110

Kurt wrote us:

We know that this film shares its title with a Joni song, but we also hear that Freddie Prinz, Jr.'s character says something about the "three great voices," and then names Joni along with Billie Holiday and Patsy Cline.

Monica used her digital camera to capture the awesome image of the personalized LP cover of Clouds as seen in this movie. She also followed-up and sent us the entire dialog:

A boy and a girl in a bar are standing before a jukebox:

BOY: She's Got You

GIRL: What?

BOY: That's a better pick than "Crazy".

GIRL: It depends on your mood, I guess. Do you like Patsy Cline?

BOY: Yeah. Patsy, Billie, Joni. All the great female singers. My mom is into it. She spins.

GIRL: Get out of here!

BOY: She has been a DJ her whole life.

The girl and the boy meet on another occasion in her room. The boy says that when he was younger he always wanted to be a singer/songwriter. The girl says, " Me too!" But she is an art student now. "Let me show you my album covers", she says and shows him paintings of famous album covers where she painted herself, Layla (Derek and the Dominos), Clouds (with herself as Joni) and Nirvana's Nevermind.

Thank you, Kurt and Monica!

(Contributed by Kurt [KLCASS21] and Monica)


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