A Chronology of Appearances

This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2025.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: February 2, 2025
Please send comments, corrections or additions to: simon@icu.com

1974.03.24 Joni's next appearance Cameron Stadium, Duke Univ. Durham, NC

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  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • Photo by Ric Carter
  • [wumple]
  • From the Daily Tar Heel, March 26, 1974

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Vinyl Rules! on

I was first introduced to Joni's music in 1968 when I was living in Honolulu and working for the U.S. Government in a stressful and dangerous job as a highly-skilled "Black Ops" operator that required frequent travel to Southeast Asia and other locations in the Pacific Ocean area. I would return from these assignments physically and mentally exhausted, and her music literally became a gateway that allowed me to change back from the non-emotional beast I had to become to survive my assignments back to what would mostly pass for a normal laid-back Kamaʻāina in Honolulu. I was single at the time (you couldn't do my job if you were married or had any close family) and her music touched me in a way no other musician or anyone else ever did. Joni's music had such an effect on me that it made me feel as if we were soul-mates, and I would have married her sight-unseen had I the opportunity. No one in my 7+ decades ever affected me this way until I met my current wife/life partner/best friend of almost 50 years. I took every opportunity I had to see her perform, and of course I have all her records!

marion barker on

I first saw Joni in DC in 1972, with just her guitar, dulcimer, and the blue dress. Then I went to Paris to study, and she released For the Roses and Court and Spark. What a difference 2 years makes! In 1974, with the LA Express, it was a very different but exciting concert. While the "Blue" concert was beautiful, pure, and pristine, this concert was a harbinger of the great things that were to come with Joni. Great memories.

wumple on

I was introduced to Joni through a friend in Drama class 1971 who Loaned me Blue. I was chomping at the bit to see her live. I had the opportunity to Attend this concert courtesy two Good friends. I told my friend Laine Barton if she came out in Blue Dress I would faint... she did and I did. It was the greatest Concert of my life.I haven't been the same since.I wouldn't change a thing.

steveallred on

I was there when you handed the roses to Joni. It was just outside Cameron and she had just stepped out of the car. This was my first date with a beautiful girl I had met in class that semester at UNC Chapel Hill. That beautiful girl is now my beautiful wife, and we will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary next month!

wkh13 on

This concert was a surreal experience for me. Having been a rabid Joni fan for several years...I was thrilled that I was finally getting the chance to see her. The whole concert experience was top notch, Joni and the LA Express were in rare form. Getting to meet Joni before the concert and present her with a dozen roses was truely the high point of the event. (When she kissed me on the cheek I was weak in the knees!) The concert itself was more than I could have hoped for, she is one of the few artist I've seen who sounded exactly like her albums. Seeing her again after the concert was just icing on the cake. What a treat this was for a nineteen year old kid navigating life!

boblink on

Best concert I've ever been too and been to many. Tom Scott and the LA Express opened for and then backed up Joni. Electricity abounded! Her antennae were way up! ~ BL