A Chronology of Appearances

This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2025.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: February 2, 2025
Please send comments, corrections or additions to: simon@icu.com

1970.07.28 Joni's next appearance Mariposa Folk Festival — Centre Island Toronto, ON

Other performers included David Rea and James Taylor

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  • Program Cover.
  •  [stone.samuel.m`]
  •  [stone.samuel.m`]
  • Joni performing on stage.<br>Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni performing on stage.<br>Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni performing on stage.<br>
Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni tuning her guitar on stage.<br>Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni performing on stage during the closing evening concert.<br>Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni performing on stage.<br>Photo by Jeff Goode.
  • Joni performing with her dulcimer.<br>Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni performing<br>
Photo by Robert Sarner
  • Photo by Robert Sarner
  • Joni listening to Doug Kershaw. Photo by Norm Betts.
  • Joni strolling Mariposa.<br>Photo by Gerry Kopelow.
  • Photo by Gerry Kopelow
  • James Taylor<br>
Photo by Robert Sarner
  • David Rea<br>
Photo by Robert Sarner

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gearfabnurk on

I was a month shy of my 17th birthday and had just returned from Vancouver on my first trip ever without the folks. We drove in a 1965 Falcon Futura convertible. Joni was all over the radio with Big Yellow Taxi and life was grand. When I got home to Newmarket, Ont. I bought Ladies of the Canyon and soon after made it to Centre Island to witness an unforgettable experience,Mariposa! Of course, I fell in love with Joni, but also, I became a life long fan. It was also my first introduction to James Taylor, I didn't fall in love but still I am a great fan. I saw Joni twice more in concert, both amazing concerts. I went back to Vancouver the next year and worked in a restaurant at 1174 Denman and this guy who worked there named Leopold says Hey, Dan,do you want to go down to Gastown with me and hang out? Well, I didn't go and he came back to the restaurant a couple of hours later and says he just met Joni Mitchell in some cafe and some guy grabbed a guitar for her a she played a couple of tunes then signed autographs. "You should have come with me" He shows me this scrap of paper with Joni's signature and a little drawing she did of Leopold on his friggin bicycle. He witnessed two of Joni's amazing talents up close and personal and got to keep one of them as a souvenir. All disgruntlement aside, I would like to thank Joni for sharing her life in song and picture.
Dan   [ed.]  [ed.]

davidmartin on

I remember seeing Joni sitting on the grass talking with musician Jean Ritchie who played the dulcimer. I was too afraid to approach them. In fact, no one seemed to approach Joni as she walked around.
My most vivid memory was of Elizabeth Cotton, the folk singer (she seemed ancient to me). I was enthralled that her guitar was strung upside down and she strummed it from the bottom up.