Roll over, Beethoven. Make way for the Albuquerque Symphony Orchestra.
Ludwig van - who brought the world his "Ode to Joy" and the "V-for-Victory Symphony" (which vanquishes everyone's headaches) - will get the full treatment this week when the ASO und Maestro Yoshimi Takeda presents the "All-Beethoven Festival."
THE THREE B'S - Beethoven, Beethoven and Beethoven - all middle period Romantic works - are on the program: "The Creatures of Prometheus Overture," a curtain raiser to a not-so-diabolical ballet; the "Eroica" Symphony, the first full-blown Romantic symphony, written as a tribute to Beethoven's hero, Napoleon, shortly before Bonaparte destroyed Beethoven's beloved Vienna; and the "Emperor" Piano Concerto *by this time Beethoven refused to identify the particular monarch involved).
As an added feature, the "Emperor" soloist will be the famed German pianist and high-powered Beethoven - Brahms interpreter, Hans Richter-Haaser, who replaces the ailing Bruno Leonardo Gelber.
The "All-Beethoven Festival" will be presented Thursday night and repeated Friday night and 8:15 p.m. in Popejoy Hall at the University of New Mexico Fine Arts Center.
CHOICE SEATS are still available this week at Popejoy box office for the Friday concert. And some tickets to the Thursday concert will be available at Popejoy box office, beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday. For further information call the ASO office, 120 Madiera NE.
Because of the Joni Mitchell concert next door at Johnson Gym Thursday night and the expected parking crunch, the sponsors of the Joni Mitchell concert - UNM's Popular Entertainment Committee - have made arrangements to use the eastside parking lot at the UNM Arena with shuttle bus service to Popejoy and Johnson Gum. Buses will leave at five-minute intervals between 7 and 11 p.m. Thursday.
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Added to Library on February 28, 2017. (4676)
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