Guitar chords transcribed by Howard Wright
Tuning: C#C#C#C#G#C# (other transcriptions in this same tuning)
"Joni" Tuning: C# 0 12 0 7 5
Tuning pattern: x0o075 (others in this same pattern)
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Tuning: C# C# C# C# G# C#
In Joni notation: C# 0 12 0 7 5
This is the acoustic guitar part played by Steven Stills. The tuning pattern is one of Stills' favourites: it's the one used on Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, 4+20 and others. In fact, the opening chords below are very similar to the opening riff of Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.
The tuning is quite an extreme one, and it's not easy to get things perfectly in tune for the open strings and for notes at the top of the neck. As always with open tunings, you need to find the best compromise.
This guitar part was transcribed in the "Hits" guitar songbook but the tuning they gave was wrong. I think that's the first time that a songbook to which Joel Bernstein contributed has got an incorrect guitar tuning! (Joel is Joni's long time friend and guitar tuning archiver. I guess he only keeps records for Joni's tunings and not for tunings used by other people on her songs).
There are only a handful of chord shapes so this is a nice easy one to play!
This transcription is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song.
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