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Early Figurative Acrylic on canvas
Also known as 'Homage To Matisse'
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JC on 2021-Aug-02 at 21:02:54 GMT-5:
I have a signed print of this. Was her guitar tech on the 1983 tour and she gave it to me at the end. Said I'd recognize the item in the lower right (ashtray full of cigarette butts - something that also existed on top of her amplifier).
herecomesthesun3 on 2011-Apr-27 at 17:29:19 GMT-5:
such a happy painting!
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JC on :
I have a signed print of this. Was her guitar tech on the 1983 tour and she gave it to me at the end. Said I'd recognize the item in the lower right (ashtray full of cigarette butts - something that also existed on top of her amplifier).
herecomesthesun3 on :
such a happy painting!