

Release date:  June 22, 1971

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Album Notes

Stephen Stills: Bass & Guitar on "Carey."
James Taylor: Guitar on "California," "All I Want," "A Case of You."
Sneeky Pete: Pedal Steel on "California," "This Flight Tonight."
Russ Kunkel: Drums on "California," "Carey," "A Case of You."
Engineer: Henry Lewy
Art Direction: Gary Burden
Cover Photography: Tim Considine
Recorded at A&M Studios, Los Angeles, California
All Selections copyright 1971, Joni Mitchell Music, Inc. (BMI)
Except "Little Green," copyright 1967 Siquomb Music (BMI)

Reviews of the album from the Library:

Transcriptions of songs from the album:


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chumface on

Blue has moved up from number 30 to number 3 on Rolling Stones "Top 500 Albums of all time"!

toriisleib on

I found one of my moms old CD's in her car and thought I'd give this album a try considering I'm a fan of the folk sound- I thought I'd like Joni Mitchell. But the sound I discovered was a life changing and spiritual experience for me. Her music has inspired me deeply.

Andriy on

My friend Taylor was making a mix-CD for her boyfriend for Valentine's Day, she had asked if I had any suggestions, so I had mentioned "A Case of You," she had never really heard the song before and decided to look it up on YouTube to see if it was right for the CD. Long story short, she also found "All I Want" and simply fell in love with Mitchell's voice. I believe that this just goes to show how timeless her music is. Taylor had never listened to 70's folk before and has now realized why I quote Mitchell with every sensitive moment I have. Everyone can relate to her writings no matter how old they are. I can't wait to see how her boyfriend likes the two perfect love songs from 1971.

Jacquie on

There was always something about the song "Little Green" that made my heart skip a beat. I didn't know what it was. Maybe the explanation was what I read about decades later in an interview of Joni. I am so glad some peace was found.

LKay09 on

This is the fourth Joni Mitchell album I purchased back in the early 1970's. This album gave new meaning to the word "blue" ... she allowed us to touch her soul thru her music and so many of us connected to her because of that. She once said that "love is touching souls...surely you've touched mine." Thank you Joni, for allowing us to touch your soul... because surely you've touched mine.   [ed.]  [ed.]